Thursday, November 03, 2005

Indoor composter

I'm pretty sure I need the new Nature Mill indoor composter. Here's the scoop. Ben and I are moving into our new home within the next three months. And while I'm happy because it's the first place we've owned together, it's gonna be tiny. And the garden is going to be even tinier.

I've been struggling with the compost question. Where we live now, I have FIVE - count'em - five compost bins. But when we move...well, let's just say there won't be room for even the smallest compost bin. I brought up the option of an indoor worm bin, but Ben wasn't having any of it. But this is another story. Apparently it will take up to 5lbs of waste daily. There's no odor. It's clean-looking. And it produces a practically-endless supply of compost! I think this is love...

Via Gizmodo.


Blogger Stuart said...

That's just great!! After an hour of trying to post my composting techniques I visit your site to find this contraption. Brilliant isn't it! This looks great - how much compost can it create?

5:52 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Isn't it cool? It claims to produce "an endless supply" of compost, but if you were dressing a bed I'm sure you'd run out pretty quickly. Then again, it takes up to 5lbs of waste daily and 70% of that 'disappears' so... if I'm doing my math right, that's 1.5lbs of compost daily. Better than a kick in the pants.

11:48 AM  

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