Sunday, March 26, 2006


Phew! That didn't take long. Seeds are a continual source of amazement to me; they're like little miracle pods. These, from a West Coast Seeds lettuce variety mix, rewarded me in just two days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good! Are you using a grow light? My seeds are tall and spindly and I'm trying to figure out why. :(

12:57 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Nope; they're just sitting on a bright window-sill. Are yours getting enough light? They'll grow spindly if they're made to stretch toward the sun. I've also heard that gently brushing the tips once a day will help them grow stockier. That might be an old wives' tale, though!

1:50 PM  
Blogger Jessica Harwood said...

There's nothing more magical than watching seeds sprout!

Alex- I had the same problem since the trees around our house don't let in much sun. Grow lights have worked better for me.

7:53 AM  

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