Monday, January 09, 2006

Rain, rain, go away!

Listening to the radio on the way into work today, I heard that Vancouver hasn't had a day without rain since December 15! Of course, that includes every time we've had a drop of rain, even if that was the only drop that day. But still, it feels like it's been raining forever. And the garden desperately needs me. (Or maybe I need the garden...)

I must be a true Vancouverite, because I'd rather have it wet and mild than cold and sunny. But the rain is probably the Vancouver gardener's biggest ally - and our biggest winter enemy. The winter wet kills more plants here than does the cold.

What's the weather doing in your part of the world? How does it affect your garden?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in Vancouver as well, and I was worried about frost damage to my plants, but they haven't been affected yet! My fennel has grown about a foot since I pruned it back after our little snowfall back in December.

Most of my plants are herbs that are in planters, so if it's really pouring I put on my Taiga jacket and move them under the eaves of the house.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in New Jersy, USA and the weather has been unusually mild and dry. Today the tempertures are supposed to reach the mid 50's. It's pretty weird,a nd seems to be confusing some of my plants. The bushes in the front of my house don't normally bloom until April, but they're already developing buds??

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a New Englander, I try not to go on & on about the weather, but every New Englander I know talks was "tropical" here, hitting 56 degrees (13c)--that is a January Thaw. It hasn't melted all the snow, but has made a muddy mess, the birds sang spring songs & my honeybees came out of the hives. I think the garden will be okay, haven't had time to check for buds or any bulbs popping. I sure am happy as winter is too long, snowy & cold for my liking.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Stuart said...

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3:52 PM  
Blogger Stuart said...

I hate to gloat but we're enjoying the rays of sunshine where most days are between 28C (82F) and 35C (95F). My biggest problem is finding shade to hang my hammock....but someone's got to do it...

3:54 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Welcome, Alex and Diane!

Stuart - I'm jealous... but holding out for Cuba: we're leaving on Friday :)

8:53 AM  
Blogger Kasmira said...

This is my second winter in Cincinnati, but only the first for my garden. Like last year, the winter is wet with periodic warm spells that melt any snow. I'm a big worried about my bulbs rotting.

The rain doesn't bother me personally because I'm originally from the Pacific Northwest. I know all about rain all winter!

11:13 AM  
Blogger Ms. Conduct said...

I'm pretty sure that here in Houston we went from Fall to Spring and skipped right over winter. Some trees are already blooming, mosquitos never really left, cannas never died back... it's like we time warped right to spring and it shows no signs of letting up. And it's been crazy dry. Normally the yard is mush by now but it's just lovely this year. I'm not complaining. My backyard get absolutely no sun in the winter, so the less rain the better for me. I'd rather water than have a mud pit.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

I'm on Vancouver Island, so I'm stuck in the rain with you Andrea. Normally the rain doesn't bother ne byt this long streak of it has to end soon! My garden is starting to look a little soggy. The mild temps have allowed me to get out and garden though.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

On the southeastern side of Australia it's hot and dry, although it's been raining along the coast.

We had a very mild winter last year - only a few frosts - which can be a worry, for gardeners, farmers, and others, when the 'normal' seasonal weather doesn't occur. It means more than trees and bulbs flowering a little early, it changes the whole natural cycle of flora and fauna as has occured for thousands of years. Whilst we may be happy to have to live through shorter winters, there is a far more sinister message here. It's yet another pointer to that very worrying GLOBAL WARMING.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Jessica Harwood said...

Yeah, Alice, I really wonder if this isn't global warming!

It's been warmer than usual here in Southeast US, and also where my parents live in the Midwest.

2:53 PM  

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